Formal Greeting Examples
Sarah Poger Gladstone edited this page 2019-05-28 02:45:43 -04:00


For the formal tokens

  • "Formal: Mr. and Mrs. Kline" {greetings.joint_formal} in a CiviCRM message template
  • "Formal with first name: Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kline" {greetings.joint_formal_firstname} in a CiviCRM message template

There is a fair amount of nuance to what the result will look like. This is because there is a fair amount of nuance in real life etiquette, as described at

Data Requirements for individuals to be addressed as a couple

  • The "spouse of" relationship between 2 contacts is active/enabled and neither contact is marked as deceased.

Data Requirements for individuals (in a couple or single)

  • The individual contact has "individual prefix" and/or "gender" filled in.

Data Requirements for couples to get "Mr. and Mrs." style results

  • The "spouse of" relationship between 2 contacts is active/enabled and neither contact is marked as deceased.
  • One contact in the 'spouse of' relationship has gender filled in as "Female"
  • The other contact in the 'spouse of' relationship has gender filled in as "Male"
  • Each contact in the "spouse of" relationship has an identical last name
  • The female contact has no "individual prefix" filled in, or is filled in as "Mrs."

greetings.joint_formal_firstname examples

The result of the token "Formal with first name" depends on your CiviCRM data. Some examples:

  • Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kline (no one has a title, same last names, one male, one female)
  • Dr. and Mrs. Michael Kline (one has a title, same last names, one male, one female)
  • Mr. Michael Kline and Ms. Judith Smith (no one has a title, different last names)
  • Ms. Judith Smith and Mr. Michael Kline (no one has a title, different last names)
  • Mr. Michael Kline and Ms. Judith Smith-Klein (no one has a title, different last names)
  • Ms. Judith Smith-Klein and Mr. Michael Kline (no one has a title, different last names)
  • Mr. Michael Kline and Mr. Jeff Smith (no one has a title, different last names)
  • Mr. Jeff Smith and Mr. Michael Kline (no one has a title, different last names)
  • Mrs. Judith Smith and Mrs. Hannah Smith (both have a title of "Mrs.", same last name)
  • Dr. Judith Smith and Mr. Michael Smith (One person has a title, same last name)
  • Dr. Judith Smith and Mr. Michael Kline (One person has a title, different last names)
  • Dr. Judith Smith and Dr. Michael Smith (Both people have a title, same last name)
  • Dr. Michael Smith and Dr. Judith Smith (Both people have a title, same last name)
  • Ms. Judith Smith (single, no title, female gender)
  • Mr. Michael Kline (single, no title, male gender)
  • Dr. Judith Smith (single, has a title)

greetings.joint_formal examples

  • Mr. and Mrs. Kline (no one has a title, same last names, one male, one female)
  • Dr. and Mrs. Kline (one has a title, same last names, one male, one female)
  • Mr. Kline and Ms. Smith (no one has a title, different last names)
  • Ms. Smith and Mr. Kline (no one has a title, different last names)
  • Mr. Smith and Mr. Kline (no one has a title, different last names)
  • Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Smith (both have a title of "Mrs.", same last name)
  • Mr. Kline and Ms. Smith-Klein (no one has a title, different last names)
  • Ms. Smith-Klein and Mr. Kline (no one has a title, different last names)
  • Mr. Kline and Mr. Smith (no one has a title, different last names)
  • Dr. Smith and Mr. Smith (One person has a title, same last name)
  • Dr. Smith and Mr. Kline (One person has a title, different last names)
  • Dr. Smith and Dr. Smith (Both people have a title, same last name)
  • Ms. Smith (single, no title, female gender)
  • Mr. Kline (single, no title, male gender)
  • Dr. Smith (single, has a title)