2021-06-28 23:02:18 +02:00

252 lines
6.8 KiB

# Changelog
## master - CURRENT
### Modified
* Fix Docker images deployment
## 4.4.0-4 - 13/11/2020
### Added
* The system configuration file `/etc/msmtprc` for `msmtprc` is not overwritten
if it already exists at container initialization. Update documentation on that matter.
## 4.4.0-3 - 06/11/2020
### Modified
* Update base image to Alpine 3.12.1
## 4.4.0-2 - 13/08/2020
### Modified
* Fixed an error about docker instance failing to restart after first run (thanks @tadr0 and @csibbitt with #40)
## 4.4.0-1 - 24/07/2020
### Modified
* Conditionnally create the symlink /bin/bzip2 to prevent regressions
## 4.4.0 - 21/06/2020
### Added
* Add JSON::RS perl dependency to allow BackupPC metrics in JSON format
* Update documentation about metrics
### Changed
* Update BackupPC to 4.4.0
* Update perl lib BackupPC::XS to 0.62
* Update rsync-bpc to
## 4.3.2-6 - 01/06/2020
### Changed
* Update base docker to Alpine 3.12
* Update perl lib BackupPC::XS to 0.60
## 4.3.2-5 - 12/04/2020
### Added
* Introduce the Active Directory / LDAP authentication for the BackupPC Web UI. Authentication method
is controlled with the `AUTHENTICATION_METHOD` environment variable, that can be `file` or `ldap`
(@christianuhlmann #23).
## 4.3.2-4 - 01/03/2020
### Added
* Store mails generated by backuppc in /var/log/msmtp.log, and to supervisor stdout
### Changed
* Do not override `EMailFromUserName` parameter in BackupPC when `SMTP_MAIL_DOMAIN` is not set
## 4.3.2-3 - 01/03/2020
### Added
* Provide GNU tar
### Removed
* Remove BusyBox tar
## 4.3.2-2 - 01/03/2020
### Changed
* Switch from circus to supervisor to handle the container processes
* Install par2cmdline from Alpine packages
* Clean build dependencies
* Align tests
## 4.3.2-1 - 24/02/2020
### Changed
* Fallback to circus 0.15.0 since 0.16.x is consuming 100% of a CPU in current environment
## 4.3.2 - 18/02/2020
### Changed
* Update to BackupPC 4.3.2
* Update base image to Alpine 3.11.3
* Update Par2Cmdline to 0.8.1
## 4.3.1-1 - 07/12/2019
### Changed
* Update base image to Alpine 3.10.3
## 4.3.1 - 17/07/2019
### Added
* Proper Docker signal handling (eg. SIGINT) by making Circus be the PID 1
* Support TLS in msmtp (thanks to @belaytzev in adferrand/docker-backuppc#22)
### Changed
* Update to BackupPC 4.3.1
* Update to rsync-bpc
* Update perl lib BackupPC::XS to 0.59
## 4.3.0-6 - 18/03/2019
### Added
* Install DejaVu font for a better look and readability of generated RRD graphs in BackupPC UI (#21 from @jkroepke)
## 4.3.0-5 - 10/03/2019
### Changed
* Use a passphrase of 4 characters (instead of 1) when generating self-signed certificates (`USE_SSL=true`) to be accepted by newest versions of OpenSSL.
## 4.3.0-4 - 09/03/2019
### Changed
* Update Alpine base image to 3.9
## 4.3.0-3 - 06/12/2018
### Added
* Hostname in BackupPC instance is now in sync with the container hostname, and can be set using `--hostname` at container start (#12 @Alveel)
* Add basic integration tests during the CI
### Changed
* Update perl lib BackupPC::XS to 0.58
* Update rsync-bpc to
## 4.3.0-2 - 27/11/2018
### Changed
* Bugfix: fallback to rsync-bpc to and BackupPC::XS 0.57 because upstream is broken
* Versions 4.3.0-1 and 4.3.0 are also patched with this bugfix
## 4.3.0-1 - 26/11/2018
### Added
* Allow to use a pre-existing `server.pem` file mounted into the container to serve the BackupPC UI over https
## 4.3.0 - 26/11/2018
### Changed
* Update BackupPC to 4.2.0
* Update perl lib BackupPC::XS to 0.58
* Update rsync-bpc to
## 4.2.1-3 - 26/11/2018
### Added
* Add support for ACL to rsync-bpc (from @JoelLinn in #9)
## 4.2.1-2 - 09/10/2018
### Added
* Set up a complete CI/CD system for this Docker, using CircleCI: docker is now automatically packaged, tested and deployed to Docker Hub
### Changed
* Hotfix for BZIP2 binary, due to latest Alpine layout modifications, is now applied when the container is created, removing the error `n: /bin/bzip2: File exists` when container is restarted.
## 4.2.1-1 - 12/09/2018
### Added
* Add and configure circus, an alternative to supervisor, compatible with Python 3, with better control over environment variables propagation, and network sockets supervision (not used yet here)
* Mandatory perl modules for Backuppc are now installed as pre-compiled binaries from Alpine repos
### Changed
* Circus replaces Supervisor and manages now lighttpd + backuppc daemons
* Update Alpine base image to 3.8
* Update python from 2.7 to 3.6
* Improve build artifacts cleaning, image sized down from 78MB to 65MB
### Removed
* Remove supervisor and its configuration
* Remove build logic used to compile the mandatory perl modules
## 4.2.1 - 14/05/2018
### Changed
* Update BackupPC to 4.2.1
## 4.2.0 - 22/04/2018
### Changed
* Update BackupPC to 4.2.0
## 4.1.5-2 - 02/02/2018
### Changed
* Update Alpine base image to 3.7
* Update rsync-bpc to
## 4.1.5-1 - 28/12/2017
### Changed
* Update rsync-bpc to
* Update par2cmdline to 0.8.0
## 4.1.5 - 04/12/2017
### Changed
* Update BackupPC to 4.1.5
* Update perl lib BackupPC::XS to 0.57
* Update rsync-bpc to
## 4.1.4 - 29/11/2017
### Changed
* Update BackupPC to 4.1.4
## 4.1.3-10 - 15/11/2017
### Added
* Extends possibilities of `BACKUPPC_UUID`/`BACKUPPC_GUID`: previously existing `UUID`/`GUID` (like 100) in container could not be reused without error. This version now handles it: any `UUID`/`GUID` can be used.
* Extended supervisord logging capabilities over backuppc and lighttpd instances.
## 4.1.3-9 - 01/10/2017
### Added
* Add missing runtime libraries mandatory for par2
### Changed
* Update par2cmdline to 0.7.4
## 4.1.3-8 - 02/09/2017
### Changed
* TimeZone: fix inverted check of TZ, from PR #5 of @merikz
## 4.1.3-7 - 13/08/2017
### Changed
* Correct MIME types provided by the lighttpd server (issue #4 by @vb4life)
* Update par2cmdline to 0.7.3
## 4.1.3-6 - 02/08/2017
### Changed
* Add env variable driven timezone
## 4.1.3-5 - 23/07/2017
### Changed
* Disabling strict hostkey checking. As per the comment this should be the intended behavior.
## 4.1.3-4 - 26/06/2017
### Added
* Persist log dirs files in /data/backuppc
## 4.1.3-3 - 12/06/2017
### Changed
* Update perl lib BackupPC::XS to 0.56
* Update rsync-bpc to
## 4.1.3-2 - 08/06/2017
### Added
* Persist htpasswd config for admin access
## 4.1.3-1 - 07/06/2017
### Changed
* Update Alpine base image to 3.6
## 4.1.3 - 06/06/2017
### Changed
* Update BackupPC to 4.1.3
* Update perl lib BackupPC::XS to 0.55
* Update par2cmdline to 0.7.2
## 4.1.2-1 - 26/05/2017
### Changed
* Update perl lib BackupPC::XS to 0.54
* Update rsync-bpc to
* Disable strict host key checking
## 4.1.2 - 21/05/2017
### Changed
* Update BackupPC to 4.1.2
## 4.1.1 - 22/04/2017
### Changed
* Update BackupPC to 4.1.1
## 4.1.0 - 22/04/2017
### Changed
* Update BackupPC to 4.1.0
## 4.0.0 - 22/04/2017
### Added
* Create this docker and its core principles.