*/ class ApiFunctionalTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** * Define id to create object */ protected function setUp() { $this->application_key = getenv('APP_KEY'); $this->application_secret = getenv('APP_SECRET'); $this->consumer_key = getenv('CONSUMER'); $this->endpoint = getenv('ENDPOINT'); $this->rangeIP = ''; $this->client = new Client(); $this->api = new Api($this->application_key, $this->application_secret, $this->endpoint, $this->consumer_key, $this->client); } /** * Get private and protected method to unit test it */ protected static function getPrivateMethod($name) { $class = new \ReflectionClass('Ovh\Api'); $method = $class->getMethod($name); $method->setAccessible(true); return $method; } protected static function getPrivateProperty($name) { $class = new \ReflectionClass('Ovh\Api'); $property = $class->getProperty($name); $property->setAccessible(true); return $property; } /** * Test if result contains consumerKey and validationUrl */ public function testIfConsumerKeyIsReplace() { $property = self::getPrivateProperty('consumer_key'); $accessRules = json_decode(' [ { "method": "GET", "path": "/*" }, { "method": "POST", "path": "/*" }, { "method": "PUT", "path": "/*" }, { "method": "DELETE", "path": "/*" } ] ') ; $credentials = $this->api->requestCredentials($accessRules); $consumer_key = $property->getValue($this->api); $this->assertEquals( $consumer_key , $credentials["consumerKey"]); $this->assertNotEquals( $consumer_key, $this->consumer_key ); } /** * Test if put request on me */ public function testPutRestrictionAccessIp() { $api = new Api($this->application_key, $this->application_secret, $this->endpoint, $this->consumer_key, $this->client); $invoker = self::getPrivateMethod('rawCall'); $params = new \StdClass(); $params->ip = $this->rangeIP; $params->rule = "deny"; $params->warning = true; $result = $invoker->invokeArgs($api, array('POST', '/me/accessRestriction/ip', $params)) ; $this->assertNull( $result ); } /** * Test if get request on /me */ public function testGetRestrictionAccessIP() { $api = new Api($this->application_key, $this->application_secret, $this->endpoint, $this->consumer_key, $this->client); $invoker = self::getPrivateMethod('rawCall'); $result = $invoker->invokeArgs($api, array('GET', '/me/accessRestriction/ip')) ; foreach ($result as $restrictionId) { $restriction = $invoker->invokeArgs($api, array('GET', '/me/accessRestriction/ip/' . $restrictionId)) ; if ($restriction["ip"] == $this->rangeIP) { $this->assertTrue(true); break; } } } /** * Test if delete request on /me */ public function testDeleteRestrictionAccessIP() { $api = new Api($this->application_key, $this->application_secret, $this->endpoint, $this->consumer_key, $this->client); $invoker = self::getPrivateMethod('rawCall'); $result = $invoker->invokeArgs($api, array('GET', '/me/accessRestriction/ip')) ; foreach ($result as $restrictionId) { $restriction = $invoker->invokeArgs($api, array('GET', '/me/accessRestriction/ip/' . $restrictionId)) ; if ($restriction["ip"] == $this->rangeIP) { $result = $invoker->invokeArgs($api, array('DELETE', '/me/accessRestriction/ip/'. $restrictionId)) ; $this->assertNull( $result ); break; } } } /** * Test if request without authentication works */ public function testIfRequestWithoutAuthenticationWorks() { $api = new Api($this->application_key, $this->application_secret, $this->endpoint, NULL, $this->client); $invoker = self::getPrivateMethod('rawCall'); $result = $invoker->invokeArgs($api, array('GET', '/xdsl/incidents')) ; } }