# PHP-FPM Zabbix Template with Auto Discovery and Multiple Pools ![Zabbix version logo](https://img.shields.io/badge/Zabbix-v4.2+-green.svg?style=flat) ![PHP](https://img.shields.io/badge/PHP-5.6.x+-blue.svg?style=flat) ![PHP7](https://img.shields.io/badge/PHP7-supported-green.svg?style=flat) ![LLD](https://img.shields.io/badge/LLD-yes-green.svg?style=flat) ![ISPConfig](https://img.shields.io/badge/ISPConfig-supported-green.svg?style=flat) ![Banner](https://github.com/rvalitov/zabbix-php-fpm/raw/master/media/repository-open-graph-template.png) ## Main features - Supports auto discovery of PHP-FPM pools (LLD) and automatic detection of sockets used by pools - Supports multiple PHP-FPM pools - Supports multiple PHP versions, i.e. you can use PHP 7.2 and PHP 7.3 on the same server and we will detect them all - Easy configuration - Supports ISPConfig - Script is in pure bash: no need to install Perl, PHP, Go or other languages. ## Provided Items We capture only useful data from host and PHP-FPM status page: - Number of CPUs - For each pool: - **Accepted Connections Per Second** - the number of requests accepted by the pool - **Active Processes** - the number of active processes - **Idle Processes** - the number of idle processes - **Max Children Reached** – the number of times, the process limit has been reached, when pm tries to start more children (works only for pm `dynamic` and `ondemand`) - **CPU Utilization** - CPU load for all processes of the pool in % - **CPU Average Utilization** - CPU load for all processes of the pool in % normalized by number of CPUs - **Listen Queue** - the number of requests in the queue of pending connections - **Max Listen Queue** - the maximum number of requests in the queue of pending connections since FPM has started - **Listen Queue Length** - the size of the socket queue of pending connections - **Queue Utilization** - queue usage in % - **Memory Used** - how much RAM used by the pool in bytes - **Memory Utilization** - how much RAM used by the pool in % - **Process Manager** - `dynamic`, `ondemand` or `static`, see [PHP manual](https://www.php.net/manual/en/install.fpm.configuration.php#pm). - **Slow Requests** - the number of requests that exceeded your [`request_slowlog_timeout`](https://www.php.net/manual/en/install.fpm.configuration.php#request-slowlog-timeout) value. - **Start Since** - number of seconds since FPM has started - **Start Time** - the date and time FPM has started History storage period is from 1 hour to 1 day (depends on specific item), trend storage period is 365 days that's optimal for environments with multiple websites. Data is captured every minute. These timings can be adjusted in template or per host if needed. ## Provided Triggers - Too many connections on pool - PHP-FPM uses too much memory - PHP-FPM manager changed - PHP-FPM uses queue - PHP-FPM detected slow request ## Provided Graphs #### Connections ![Zabbix PHP-FPM connections graph](https://github.com/rvalitov/zabbix-php-fpm/raw/master/media/demo-connections.png) Displays the following data: - Accepted connections per second - CPU average utilization in % - Memory utilization in % - Queue utilization in % #### CPU ![Zabbix PHP-FPM CPU utilization graph](https://github.com/rvalitov/zabbix-php-fpm/raw/master/media/demo-cpu.png) Displays the following data: - CPU average utilization in % - Accepted connections per second #### Memory ![Zabbix PHP-FPM RAM utilization graph](https://github.com/rvalitov/zabbix-php-fpm/raw/master/media/demo-memory.png) Displays the following data: - Memory used in bytes - CPU average utilization in % - Memory utilization in % - Queue utilization in % #### Process ![Zabbix PHP-FPM CPU utilization graph](https://github.com/rvalitov/zabbix-php-fpm/raw/master/media/demo-process.png) Displays the following data: - Active processes - Idle processes - Accepted connections per second #### Queue Displays the following data: - Listen Queue #### Max Children Reached Displays the following data: - Max Children Reached - Accepted connections per second ## Installation ### 1. On Zabbix agents Perform the following operations on all servers with Zabbix and PHP-FPM from which you want to capture the data. #### 1.1. Install Prerequisites Install required packages. ##### For `apt-get` based environments (Debian, Ubuntu, etc.): ```bash apt-get update apt-get -y install grep gawk lsof jq libfcgi0ldbl ``` Additionally, for Debian Jessie 8.x and earlier (or for equivalent Ubuntu version): ```bash apt-get -y install libfcgi0ldbl ``` Additionally, for Debian Stretch 9.x and later (or for equivalent Ubuntu version): ```bash apt-get -y install libfcgi-bin ``` ##### For `yum` based environments (CentOS): ```bash yum check-update yum install grep gawk lsof jq fcgi ``` #### 1.2. Install Zabbix PHP-FPM template Download the latest version of the template: ```console wget https://github.com/rvalitov/zabbix-php-fpm/archive/master.zip -O /tmp/zabbix-php-fpm.zip ``` Unzip the archive: ```console unzip /tmp/zabbix-php-fpm.zip -d /tmp ``` Copy the required files to the Zabbix agent configuration directory: ```console cp /tmp/zabbix-php-fpm-master/zabbix/userparameter_php_fpm.conf /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/ cp /tmp/zabbix-php-fpm-master/zabbix/zabbix_php_fpm_discovery.sh /etc/zabbix/ cp /tmp/zabbix-php-fpm-master/zabbix/zabbix_php_fpm_status.sh /etc/zabbix/ ``` Configure access rights: ```console chmod +x /etc/zabbix/zabbix_php_fpm_discovery.sh chmod +x /etc/zabbix/zabbix_php_fpm_status.sh ``` #### 1.3. Root previliges Automatic detection of pools requires root previliges. You can achieve it using one of the methods below. ##### 1.3.1 Root previliges for Zabbix Agent This method sets root previliges for Zabbix Agent, i.e. the Zabbix Agent will run under `root` user, as a result all user scripts will also have the root access rights. Edit Zabbix agent configuration file `/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf`, find `AllowRoot` option and enable it: ``` ### Option: AllowRoot # Allow the agent to run as 'root'. If disabled and the agent is started by 'root', the agent # will try to switch to the user specified by the User configuration option instead. # Has no effect if started under a regular user. # 0 - do not allow # 1 - allow # # Mandatory: no # Default: # AllowRoot=0 AllowRoot=1 ``` ##### 1.3.2 Grant previliges to the PHP-FPM autodiscovery script only If you don't want to run Zabbix Agent as root, then you can configure the previliges only to our script. In this case you need to have `sudo` installed: ```console apt-get install sudo ``` Now edit the `/etc/sudoers` file by running command: ```console visudo ``` Add the following line to this file: ``` zabbix ALL = NOPASSWD: /etc/zabbix/zabbix_php_fpm_discovery.sh ``` Here we specified `zabbix` as the user under which the Zabbix Agent is run. This is the default name, but if you have a custom installation with different name, then please, change it accordingly. Save and exit the editor. Your modifications will be applied. #### 1.4. Linux Tuning (optional) Usually PHP-FPM [backlog option](https://www.php.net/manual/en/install.fpm.configuration.php#listen-backlog) is limited by Linux kernel settings and equals to `128` by default. In most cases you want to increase this value (latest PHP use `511` by default). The main option that limits the PHP-FPM backlog option is `net.core.somaxconn`. See the current setting, usually it's `128`: ```console cat /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn 128 ``` Let's increase it to 1024: ```console echo "net.core.somaxconn=1024" >> /etc/sysctl.conf ``` Now we can cause the settings to be loaded by running: ```console sysctl -p ``` #### 1.5. Adjust ISPConfig This step is required only if you use [ISPConfig](https://www.ispconfig.org/). ISPConfig does not enable PHP-FPM status page by default. We will enable it by adding a custom PHP-FPM configuration template. This file is an original configuration file from [ISPConfig v.3.1.14p2](https://www.ispconfig.org/blog/ispconfig-3-1-14p2-released-important-security-bugfix/), it only enables the status page by adding the following line: ``` pm.status_path = /php-fpm-status ``` Copy the configuration file into ISPConfig custom configuration directory: ```console cp /tmp/zabbix-php-fpm/ispconfig/php_fpm_pool.conf.master /usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf-custom/ ``` Set correct access rights: ```console chmod +x /usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf-custom/php_fpm_pool.conf.master ``` Now resync the websites using ISPConfig control panel: go to `"Tools"->"Sync Tools"->"Resync"`. Check "Websites" only and click "Start": ![ISPConfig resync interface](https://github.com/rvalitov/zabbix-php-fpm/raw/master/media/ispconfig-resync.jpg) ### 1.6 Adjust PHP-FPM pools configuration This step is required if you don't use ISPConfig. In this case you need to enable the PHP-FPM status page for all of your pools manually. Each pool must have the same status path, recommended value is `/php-fpm-status`. Please, edit all the pools configuration files (for example for PHP 7.3 they are located in directory `/etc/php/7.3/fpm/pool.d`) by adding the following line: ``` pm.status_path = /php-fpm-status ``` You can set another path here if needed. Finally, restart the PHP-FPM, for example: ```console service php7.3-fpm restart ``` #### 1.7. Clean up Delete temporary files: ```console rm /tmp/zabbix-php-fpm.zip rm -rf /tmp/zabbix-php-fpm-master/ ``` ### 2. On Zabbix Server #### 2.1. Import Zabbix PHP-FPM template In Zabbix frontend go to `"Configuration"->"Templates"->"Import"`: ![Zabbix template import interface](https://github.com/rvalitov/zabbix-php-fpm/raw/master/media/zabbix-import.jpg) Upload file `/zabbix/zabbix_php_fpm_template.xml` from the [archive](https://github.com/rvalitov/zabbix-php-fpm/archive/master.zip). #### 2.2. Add the template to your hosts Add template "Template App PHP-FPM" to the desired hosts. If you use a custom status path, then configure it in the macros section of the host by adding value: ``` {$PHP_FPM_STATUS_URL}=your status path ``` The setup is finished, just wait a couple of minutes till Zabbix discovers all your pools and captures the data. # Testing and Troubleshooting ## Check autodiscovery First test that autodiscovery of PHP-FPM pools works on your machine. Run the following command: ```console bash /etc/zabbix/zabbix_php_fpm_discovery.sh ``` **Important:** please make sure that you use `bash` in the command above, not `sh` or other alternatives, otherwise you may get a script syntax error message. The output should be a valid JSON with a list of pools and their sockets, something like below: ```json { "data":[ { "{#POOLNAME}":"web1", "{#POOLSOCKET}":"/var/lib/php7.3-fpm/web1.sock" }, { "{#POOLNAME}":"web4", "{#POOLSOCKET}":"/var/lib/php7.3-fpm/web4.sock" }, { "{#POOLNAME}":"www", "{#POOLSOCKET}":"" } ] } ``` If this script does not display the list, then it will show you the list of utilities that are missing on your system and must be installed. We require the following utilities to be installed: - awk - ps - grep - sort - head - lsof - jq If some pools are missing, then check that they do really exist and are running, for example, using command: ```console ps aux | grep "php-fpm" ``` In the list you should see your pool. If it's not there, then it means it's not running (not functional). ## How to troubleshoot template import failure To view the import errors, please click the "Details" section in the Zabbix GUI. It should be on the same import page near the error message: ![Zabbix template import error details](https://github.com/rvalitov/zabbix-php-fpm/raw/master/media/zabbix-import-error.jpg) Then check the Zabbix server log, for Debian/Ubuntu it's located at `/var/log/zabbix/zabbix_server.log`. # Compatibility Tested with: - PHP 7.3 - Zabbix 4.2.5 - ISPConfig v.3.1.14p2 Should work with PHP 5.6.x and later, Zabbix 4.2.x and later. Currently the template does not work with Zabbix 4.0.x, see [issue](https://github.com/rvalitov/zabbix-php-fpm/issues/5). Not tested with other versions of Zabbix: if it works, please let me know.