validateInput(file_get_contents('php://input')); $this->processEvent($event); Civi::log()->info("Mailgun Webhook successfully processed"); } catch (CRM_Mailgunny_WebhookRejectedException $e) { Civi::log()->notice("Mailgun Webhook ignored (returning 406)", ['message' => $e->getMessage()]); header("$_SERVER[SERVER_PROTOCOL] 406 " . $e->getMessage()); echo json_encode(['error' => $e->getMessage()]); } catch (\Exception $e) { Civi::log()->notice("Mailgun Webhook fatal (returning 500)", ['message' => $e->getMessage(), 'trace' => $e->getTraceAsString()]); header("$_SERVER[SERVER_PROTOCOL] 500"); } CRM_Utils_System::civiExit(); } /** * Check input and return the event data if all ok. * * @param string raw input from POST body (json) * @return StdClass */ public function validateInput($input) { Civi::log()->info("Mailgun Webhook received. Raw input stored as context.", ['raw' => $input]); $input = json_decode($input); if (!$input) { throw new CRM_Mailgunny_WebhookRejectedException("Expected JSON but didn't get it."); } $sig = $input->signature->signature ?? 'MISSING SIGNATURE'; $timestamp = ($input->signature->timestamp ?? 0); /* // Ensure webhooks recieved promptly - disable for testing. if (abs(time() - $timestamp) > 15) { throw new CRM_Mailgunny_WebhookRejectedException("Event too old."); } */ $_ = $timestamp . ($input->signature->token ?? ''); $secret = $this->getApiKey(); if ($sig !== hash_hmac('sha256', $_, $secret)) { throw new CRM_Mailgunny_WebhookRejectedException("Invalid signature"); } if (empty($input->{'event-data'})) { throw new CRM_Mailgunny_WebhookRejectedException("Missing event-data"); } // OK, looks valid. return $input->{'event-data'}; } /** * Get API key from Mailgun account. * * @return string */ public function getApiKey() { // @todo fetch from somewhere. $v = Civi::settings()->get('mailgun_api_key'); } /** * Actually process the data. */ public function processEvent($event) { switch ($event->event){ case 'failed': if ($event->severity === 'permanent') { $this->processPermanentBounce($event); } elseif ($event->severity === 'temporary') { $this->processTemporaryBounce($event); } break; case 'accepted': case 'rejected': case 'delivered': case 'opened': case 'closed': case 'clicked': case 'unsubscribed': case 'complained': case 'stored': throw new CRM_Mailgunny_WebhookRejectedException("$event->event is not handled by this webhook."); default: throw new CRM_Mailgunny_WebhookRejectedException("Unrecognised webhook event type is not handled by this webhook."); } } public function processPermanentBounce($event) { $this->processCommonBounce($event, 'Invalid'); } public function processTemporaryBounce($event) { $this->processCommonBounce($event, 'Syntax'); } public function processCommonBounce($event, $type) { Civi::log()->info("Mailgun Webhook processing bounce: $type"); // Ideally we would have access to 'X-CiviMail-Bounce' but I don't think we do. $bounce_params = $this->extractVerpData($event->envelope->sender ?? ''); $bounce_params['bounce_type_id'] = $this->getCiviBounceTypeId($type); $bounce_params['bounce_reason'] = ($event->{'delivery-status'}->description ?? '') . " " . ($event->{'delivery-status'}->message ?? '') . " Mailgun Event Id: " . ($event->id ?? ''); $bounced = CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Bounce::create($bounce_params); } /** * Extract data from verp email address string. * * Credit goes to * * @param string $data e.g. '' * @return array with keys: job_id, event_queue_id, hash */ public function extractVerpData($data) { $verp_separator = Civi::settings()->get('verpSeparator'); $localpart = CRM_Core_BAO_MailSettings::defaultLocalpart(); $verp_items = array_combine(['job_id', 'event_queue_id', 'hash'], explode($verp_separator, substr(substr($data, 0, strpos($data, '@')), strlen($localpart) + 2))); return $verp_items; } /** * Get CiviCRM bounce type. * * @param string Name of bounce type, e.g. Invalid|Syntax|Spam|Relay|Quota|Loop|Inactive|Host|Dns|Away|AOL * @return int Bounce type ID */ protected function getCiviBounceTypeId($name) { $bounce_type = new CRM_Mailing_DAO_BounceType(); $bounce_type->name = $name; $bounce_type->find(TRUE); return $bounce_type->id; } }