#!/bin/bash # Define variables (replace with your credentials) WORK_DIR="/path/to/workdir" # Update with your desired working directory LOGIN_OVH="your_dynhost_login@domain.tld" PWD_OVH="your_dynhost_password" URL_OVH="subdomain.domain.tld" # Define IP retrieval URLs ipv4_url="https://api.ipify.org" ipv6_url="https://api6.ipify.org" # Define IP regex patterns ipv4_pattern="^([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\.([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])){3}$" ipv6_pattern="^([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}$" # Simple IPv6 regex (can be improved) # Function to update OVH record (CORRECTED) update_ovh_ddns() { local ip="$1" local ip_type="$2" echo "Updating $ip_type address ($ip) at OVH..." # Create the authentication string local auth_string="$LOGIN_OVH:$PWD_OVH" # Encode the authentication string using base64 local encoded_auth=$(printf "%s" "$auth_string" | base64) # Construct the Authorization header local auth_header="Authorization: Basic $encoded_auth" local update_url="https://dns.eu.ovhapis.com/nic/update?system=dyndns&hostname=$URL_OVH&myip=$ip" # Use curl with the corrected header local response=$(curl -s -H "$auth_header" "$update_url") if [[ "$response" == "good $ip" || "$response" == "nochg $ip" ]]; then echo "OVH update successful for $ip_type. OVH response: $response" echo "$ip" > "$WORK_DIR/maj_${ip_type}_ip.txt" elif [[ "$response" == "abuse" ]]; then echo "OVH update failed for $ip_type. OVH response: $response - Too many updates, wait a bit" else echo "Error updating OVH for $ip_type: $response" fi } # Check if work directory exists if [ ! -d "$WORK_DIR" ]; then echo "Work directory doesn't exist, creating..." mkdir -p "$WORK_DIR" echo "" > "$WORK_DIR/maj_ipv4_ip.txt" echo "::" > "$WORK_DIR/maj_ipv6_ip.txt" # Default value for IPv6 fi # Process IPv4 ipv4=$(curl -s "$ipv4_url" | tr -d '\r') if [[ $ipv4 =~ $ipv4_pattern ]]; then old_ipv4=$(cat "$WORK_DIR/maj_ipv4_ip.txt" || echo "") if [[ $ipv4 != $old_ipv4 ]]; then echo "** Your IPv4 address has changed **" echo "New IPv4: $ipv4" echo "Old IPv4: $old_ipv4" update_ovh_ddns "$ipv4" "ipv4" else echo "Your IPv4 address hasn't changed." fi else echo "Warning: Retrieved IPv4 address ($ipv4) is not in a valid format." fi # Process IPv6 ipv6=$(curl -s "$ipv6_url" | tr -d '\r') if [[ $ipv6 =~ $ipv6_pattern ]]; then old_ipv6=$(cat "$WORK_DIR/maj_ipv6_ip.txt" || echo "::") if [[ $ipv6 != $old_ipv6 ]]; then echo "** Your IPv6 address has changed **" echo "New IPv6: $ipv6" echo "Old IPv6: $old_ipv6" update_ovh_ddns "$ipv6" "ipv6" else echo "Your IPv6 address hasn't changed." fi else echo "Warning: Retrieved IPv6 address ($ipv6) is not in a valid format." fi