2016-08-26 09:29:35 -04:00
< ? php
class GreetingHelper {
function process_spouses ( & $suffixes , & $prefixes , & $values , & $contactIDs , $greetings_token_names , $household_id ){
$id_list = " " ;
$i = 1 ;
foreach ( $contactIDs as $cid ) {
$id_list = $id_list . $cid ;
if ( $i < count ( $contactIDs ) ){
$id_list = $id_list . ' ,' ;
$i = $i + 1 ;
if ( $i == 1 ){
return ;
// print "<br><br>Inside process_spouses: ".$id_list;
$sqlstr = " SELECT rel.contact_id_a as cid_a, rel.contact_id_b as cid_b, c1.prefix_id , c1.first_name, c1.nick_name,
c1 . last_name , c1 . suffix_id , c1 . birth_date , c1 . gender_id , c1 . is_deceased , c2 . prefix_id as spouse_prefix_id ,
c2 . first_name as spouse_first_name , c2 . nick_name as spouse_nick_name , c2 . last_name as spouse_last_name , c2 . suffix_id as spouse_suffix_id , c2 . gender_id as spouse_gender_id , c2 . is_deceased as spouse_is_deceased
FROM civicrm_relationship AS rel
civicrm_contact AS c1 ,
civicrm_contact AS c2 ,
civicrm_relationship_type AS reltype )
ON rel . contact_id_a = c1 . id
AND rel . contact_id_b = c2 . id
AND rel . relationship_type_id = reltype . id
WHERE ( lower ( name_a_b ) LIKE '%spouse%' OR lower ( name_a_b ) LIKE '%partner%' )
and rel . is_active = 1
AND ( rel . contact_id_a in ( $id_list ) or rel . contact_id_b in ( $id_list ) )
AND c1 . is_deleted <> 1 and c2 . is_deleted <> 1
AND c1 . is_deceased <> 1 AND c2 . is_deceased <> 1
group by rel . contact_id_a , rel . contact_id_b , c1 . prefix_id , c1 . first_name , c1 . last_name
order by rel . contact_id_b , c1 . birth_date " ;
$contact_dao =& CRM_Core_DAO :: executeQuery ( $sqlstr );
// print "<br><br>sql: ".$sqlstr;
$i = 0 ;
//Lets get greetings for spouses.
while ( $contact_dao -> fetch ( ) ) {
$i = $i + 1 ;
// Load up cur_contact with current record data
// print "<br>record :".$i;
$prefix_id = $contact_dao -> prefix_id ;
if ( strlen ( $prefix_id ) > 0 ){
$prefix_label = $prefixes [ $prefix_id ];
} else {
$prefix_label = " " ;
$prefix_id_spouse = $contact_dao -> spouse_prefix_id ;
if ( strlen ( $prefix_id_spouse ) > 0 ){
$prefix_label_spouse = $prefixes [ $prefix_id_spouse ];
} else {
$prefix_label_spouse = " " ;
$suffix_id = $contact_dao -> suffix_id ;
if ( strlen ( $suffix_id ) > 0 ){
$suffix_label = $suffixes [ $suffix_id ];
} else {
$suffix_label = " " ;
$suffix_id_spouse = $contact_dao -> spouse_suffix_id ;
if ( strlen ( $suffix_id_spouse ) > 0 ){
$suffix_label_spouse = $suffixes [ $suffix_id_spouse ];
} else {
$suffix_label_spouse = " " ;
// deal with genders
$gender_id = $contact_dao -> gender_id ;
if ( $gender_id == 1 ){
$gender_label = " Female " ;
} else {
$gender_label = " Male " ;
$spouse_gender_id = $contact_dao -> spouse_gender_id ;
if ( $spouse_gender_id == 1 ){
$spouse_gender_label = " Female " ;
} else {
$spouse_gender_label = " Male " ;
$cur_contact_a [ " contact_id " ] = $contact_dao -> cid_a ;
$cur_contact_a [ " prefix " ] = $prefix_label ;
$cur_contact_a [ " first_name " ] = $contact_dao -> first_name ;
$cur_contact_a [ " nick_name " ] = $contact_dao -> nick_name ;
$cur_contact_a [ " last_name " ] = $contact_dao -> last_name ;
$cur_contact_a [ " suffix " ] = $suffix_label ;
$cur_contact_a [ " gender " ] = $gender_label ;
$cur_contact_a [ " is_deceased " ] = $contact_dao -> is_deceased ;
// add cur_contact to the family array.
$current_family [] = $cur_contact_a ;
$cur_contact_b [ " contact_id " ] = $contact_dao -> cid_b ;
$cur_contact_b [ " prefix " ] = $prefix_label_spouse ;
$cur_contact_b [ " first_name " ] = $contact_dao -> spouse_first_name ;
$cur_contact_b [ " nick_name " ] = $contact_dao -> spouse_nick_name ;
$cur_contact_b [ " last_name " ] = $contact_dao -> spouse_last_name ;
$cur_contact_b [ " suffix " ] = $suffix_label_spouse ;
$cur_contact_b [ " gender " ] = $spouse_gender_label ;
$cur_contact_b [ " is_deceased " ] = $contact_dao -> spouse_is_deceased ;
// add cur_contact to the family array.
$current_family [] = $cur_contact_b ;
// Add current household to family array if not empty.
if ( $household_id <> '' ){
$cur_hh [ " contact_id " ] = $household_id ;
$current_family [] = $cur_hh ;
// print "<br>About to call process family greetings:<br> ";
// print_r($current_family);
$this -> process_family_greetings ( $current_family , $values , $greetings_token_names );
$current_family = array ();
//print "<br>";
// print "<br>Count ".$i;
$contact_dao -> free ( );
function greetings_determine_middle_content ( $contact_id ){
$params = array (
'version' => 3 ,
'sequential' => 1 ,
'contact_id' => $contact_id ,
$result = civicrm_api ( 'JointGreetings' , 'getsingle' , $params );
$middle_html = " " ;
$middle_html = $middle_html . " <tr> <td class='label'>Casual (nickname last name):</td> <td class='html-adjust'> " . $result [ 'greetings.joint_casual' ] . " </td> </tr> \n " ;
$middle_html = $middle_html . " <tr> <td class='label'>Casual (first name last name):</td> <td class='html-adjust'> " . $result [ 'greetings.joint_casual_firstname_lastname' ] . " </td> </tr> \n " ;
$middle_html = $middle_html . " <tr> <td class='label'>Casual (nickname):</td> <td class='html-adjust'> " . $result [ 'greetings.joint_casual_nickname_only' ] . " </td> </tr> \n " ;
$middle_html = $middle_html . " <tr> <td class='label'>Casual (first name):</td> <td class='html-adjust'> " . $result [ 'greetings.joint_casual_firstname_only' ] . " </td> </tr> \n " ;
$middle_html = $middle_html . " <tr> <td class='label'>Formal (prefix last name):</td> <td class='html-adjust'> " . $result [ 'greetings.joint_formal' ] . " </td> </tr> \n " ;
$middle_html = $middle_html . " <tr> <td class='label'>Formal (prefix first name last name):</td> <td class='html-adjust'> " . $result [ 'greetings.joint_formal_firstname' ] . " </td> </tr> \n " ;
return $middle_html ;
$middle_html = $middle_html . " <tr> <td class='label'>Solo Casual:</td> <td class='html-adjust'> " . $result [ 'greetings.solo_casual' ] . " </td> </tr> \n " ;
$middle_html = $middle_html . " <tr> <td class='label'>Solo Casual nickname only:</td> <td class='html-adjust'> " . $result [ 'greetings.solo_casual_nickname_only' ] . " </td> </tr> \n " ;
function greetings_determine_beginning_content ( $label ){
$html_rtn = " <div id='customFields'>
< div class = 'contact_panel' >
< div class = 'contactCardLeft' >
< div class = 'customFieldGroup ui-corner-all' >
< table >
< tr >
< td colspan = '2' class = 'grouplabel' > $label </ td >
</ tr > \n
" ;
return $html_rtn ;
function greetings_determine_ending_content (){
$html_rtn = " </table>
</ div >
</ div ><!-- contactCardLeft -->
< div class = 'contactCardRight' >
</ div >
< div class = 'clear' ></ div >
</ div >
</ div > \n
" ;
return $html_rtn ;
* Get the greetings for everyone in a single family .
function process_family_greetings ( & $family , & $values , $greetings_token_names ){
$token_formal_short = $token_formal_long = $greetings_token_names [ 'greetings.joint_formal' ];
$token_formal_fn_short = $token_formal_fn_long = $greetings_token_names [ 'greetings.joint_formal_firstname' ];
// $token_firstname_only_short = $token_firstname_only_long = $greetings_token_names['greetings.joint_casual_firstname_only'];
// $token_name_long = $greetings_token_names['greetings.joint_casual'];
$token_joint_casual = $greetings_token_names [ 'greetings.joint_casual' ];
$token_joint_casual_firstname_only = $greetings_token_names [ 'greetings.joint_casual_firstname_only' ];
$token_joint_casual_firstname_lastname = $greetings_token_names [ 'greetings.joint_casual_firstname_lastname' ];
$token_joint_casual_nickname_only = $greetings_token_names [ 'greetings.joint_casual_nickname_only' ];
// get family greeting
$have_greeting = false ;
$needed_greets = array ();
foreach ( $family as $cur_contact ){
$tmp_cid = $cur_contact [ 'contact_id' ];
//print "<br>tmp_cid: $tmp_cid";
if ( array_key_exists ( $tmp_cid , $values )){
if ( isset ( $values [ $tmp_cid ][ $token_joint_casual ] )){
$test_greet = $values [ $tmp_cid ][ $token_joint_casual ];
} else {
$test_greet = " " ;
if ( $test_greet != " " ){
$have_greeting = true ;
$needed_greets [ 'casual' ] = $values [ $tmp_cid ][ $token_joint_casual ] ;
$needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_only' ] = $values [ $tmp_cid ][ $token_joint_casual_firstname_only ] ;
$needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_lastname' ] = $values [ $tmp_cid ][ $token_joint_casual_firstname_lastname ];
$needed_greets [ 'casual_nickname_only' ] = $values [ $tmp_cid ][ $token_joint_casual_nickname_only ] ;
$needed_greets [ 'formal' ] = $values [ $tmp_cid ][ $token_formal_long ] ;
$needed_greets [ 'formal_firstname' ] = $values [ $tmp_cid ][ $token_formal_fn_long ] ;
// print "<br><br>needed greets: casual_firstname_only: ".$needed_greets['casual_firstname_only'];
if ( $have_greeting == false ){
if ( count ( $family ) == 1 ){
if ( $family [ 0 ][ spouse_last_name ]){
// this is a married couple or a widow.
if ( $family [ 0 ][ 'is_deceased' ] OR $family [ 0 ][ 'spouse_is_deceased' ] ){
$needed_greets = $this -> get_formatted_greeting_for_widow ( $family [ 0 ][ 'prefix' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'first_name' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'last_name' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'suffix' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'gender' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'is_deceased' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'spouse_prefix' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'spouse_first_name' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'spouse_last_name' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'spouse_suffix' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'spouse_gender' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'spouse_is_deceased' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'nick_name' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'spouse_nick_name' ] );
} else {
$needed_greets = $this -> get_formatted_greeting_for_couple ( $family [ 0 ][ 'prefix' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'first_name' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'last_name' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'suffix' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'gender' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'is_deceased' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'spouse_prefix' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'spouse_first_name' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'spouse_last_name' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'spouse_suffix' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'spouse_gender' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'spouse_is_deceased' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'nick_name' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'spouse_nick_name' ] );
} else {
// this is a person in a one person household.
$uses_spouses_name = false ;
$needed_greets = $this -> get_formatted_greeting_for_single ( $family [ 0 ][ 'prefix' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'first_name' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'last_name' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'suffix' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'gender' ], $uses_spouses_name , $family [ 0 ][ 'nick_name' ] );
} else if ( count ( $family ) >= 2 ){
if ( $family [ 0 ][ 'is_deceased' ] OR $family [ 1 ][ 'is_deceased' ] ){
$needed_greets = $this -> get_formatted_greeting_for_widow ( $family [ 0 ][ 'prefix' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'first_name' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'last_name' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'suffix' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'gender' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'is_deceased' ], $family [ 1 ][ 'prefix' ], $family [ 1 ][ 'first_name' ], $family [ 1 ][ 'last_name' ], $family [ 1 ][ 'suffix' ], $family [ 1 ][ 'gender' ], $family [ 1 ][ 'is_deceased' ] );
} else {
$needed_greets = $this -> get_formatted_greeting_for_couple ( $family [ 0 ][ 'prefix' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'first_name' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'last_name' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'suffix' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'gender' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'is_deceased' ], $family [ 1 ][ 'prefix' ], $family [ 1 ][ 'first_name' ], $family [ 1 ][ 'last_name' ], $family [ 1 ][ 'suffix' ], $family [ 1 ][ 'gender' ], $family [ 1 ][ 'is_deceased' ], $family [ 0 ][ 'nick_name' ], $family [ 1 ][ 'nick_name' ] );
// fill in family greeting for each contact.
$i = 0 ;
foreach ( $family as $cur_contact ){
// print "<br>cur contact: ";
// print_r( $cur_contact) ;
$family [ $i ][ 'needed_greets' ] = $needed_greets ;
//$token_formal_long, $token_formal_short, $token_formal_fn_long, $token_formal_fn_short
$cur_cid = $cur_contact [ 'contact_id' ];
if ( isset ( $cur_contact [ 'hh_id' ])){
$cur_hhid = $cur_contact [ 'hh_id' ];
} else {
$cur_hhid = " " ;
if ( array_key_exists ( $cur_cid , $values )){
//print "<br> Contains $cur_cid use greeting: $greeting";
$values [ $cur_cid ][ $token_joint_casual ] = $needed_greets [ 'casual' ];
$values [ $cur_cid ][ $token_formal_short ] = $values [ $cur_cid ][ $token_formal_long ] = $needed_greets [ 'formal' ] ;
$values [ $cur_cid ][ $token_formal_fn_short ] = $values [ $cur_cid ][ $token_formal_fn_long ] = $needed_greets [ 'formal_firstname' ];
$values [ $cur_cid ][ $token_joint_casual_firstname_only ] = $needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_only' ];
$values [ $cur_cid ][ $token_joint_casual_firstname_lastname ] = $needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_lastname' ];
$values [ $cur_cid ][ $token_joint_casual_nickname_only ] = $needed_greets [ 'casual_nickname_only' ];
} else {
//print "<br>Does NOT Contain $cur_cid";
if ( array_key_exists ( $cur_hhid , $values )){
//print "<br> Contains hhid $cur_hhid use greeting: $greeting";
$values [ $cur_hhid ][ $token_joint_casual ] = $needed_greets [ 'casual' ];
$values [ $cur_hhid ][ $token_formal_short ] = $values [ $cur_hhid ][ $token_formal_long ] = $needed_greets [ 'formal' ] ;
$values [ $cur_hhid ][ $token_formal_fn_short ] = $values [ $cur_hhid ][ $token_formal_fn_long ] = $needed_greets [ 'formal_firstname' ];
$values [ $cur_hhid ][ $token_joint_casual_firstname_only ] = $needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_only' ];
$values [ $cur_hhid ][ $token_joint_casual_firstname_lastname ] = $needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_lastname' ];
$values [ $cur_hhid ][ $token_joint_casual_nickname_only ] = $needed_greets [ 'casual_nickname_only' ];
} else {
// print "<br>Does NOT Contain hhid $cur_hhid";
$i = $i + 1 ;
// print "<br><b>End of process_family_greetings</b><br>";
function get_formatted_greeting_for_couple ( $adult_a_prefix , $adult_a_first_name , $adult_a_last_name , $adult_a_suffix , $adult_a_gender , $adult_a_deceased , $adult_b_prefix , $adult_b_first_name , $adult_b_last_name , $adult_b_suffix , $adult_b_gender , $adult_b_deceased , $a_nick_name , $b_nick_name ){
$needed_greets = array ();
$and_label = " and " ; // English.
$b_has_real_title = false ;
if ( strlen ( $a_nick_name ) > 0 ){
$a_casual_first_name = $a_nick_name ;
} else {
$a_casual_first_name = $adult_a_first_name ;
if ( strlen ( $b_nick_name ) > 0 ){
$b_casual_first_name = $b_nick_name ;
} else {
$b_casual_first_name = $adult_b_first_name ;
$needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_only' ] = $adult_a_first_name . $and_label . $adult_b_first_name ;
$needed_greets [ 'casual_nickname_only' ] = $a_casual_first_name . $and_label . $b_casual_first_name ;
if ( $adult_a_last_name == $adult_b_last_name ){
// This couple shares a last name.
$uses_spouses_name = true ;
$prefix_info_a = $this -> determine_title ( $adult_a_prefix , $adult_a_gender , $uses_spouses_name );
$prefix_info_b = $this -> determine_title ( $adult_b_prefix , $adult_b_gender , $uses_spouses_name );
if ( $prefix_info_b [ 'real_title' ] and ! ( $prefix_info_a [ 'real_title' ])) {
$needed_greets [ 'casual' ] = $prefix_info_b [ 'prefix' ] . " " . $b_casual_first_name . $and_label . $a_casual_first_name . " " . $adult_a_last_name ;
$needed_greets [ 'formal' ] = $prefix_info_b [ 'prefix' ] . $and_label . $prefix_info_a [ 'prefix' ] . " " . $adult_a_last_name ;
} else if ( $prefix_info_a [ 'real_title' ] and ! ( $prefix_info_b [ 'real_title' ])){
$needed_greets [ 'casual' ] = $prefix_info_a [ 'prefix' ] . " " . $a_casual_first_name . $and_label . $b_casual_first_name . " " . $adult_a_last_name ;
$needed_greets [ 'formal' ] = $prefix_info_a [ 'prefix' ] . $and_label . $prefix_info_b [ 'prefix' ] . " " . $adult_a_last_name ;
} else if ( $prefix_info_a [ 'real_title' ] and $prefix_info_b [ 'real_title' ]){
// both have real titles.
$needed_greets [ 'casual' ] = $prefix_info_a [ 'prefix' ] . " " . $a_casual_first_name . $and_label . $prefix_info_b [ 'prefix' ] . " " . $b_casual_first_name . " " . $adult_a_last_name ;
$needed_greets [ 'formal' ] = $prefix_info_a [ 'prefix' ] . $and_label . $prefix_info_b [ 'prefix' ] . " " . $adult_a_last_name ;
} else {
// no one has a real title.
$needed_greets [ 'casual' ] = $a_casual_first_name . $and_label . $b_casual_first_name . " " . $adult_a_last_name ;
if ( $adult_b_gender == 'Male' ){
// Make sure Mr. is the start.
$needed_greets [ 'formal' ] = $prefix_info_b [ 'prefix' ] . $and_label . $prefix_info_a [ 'prefix' ] . " " . $adult_a_last_name ;
} else {
$needed_greets [ 'formal' ] = $prefix_info_a [ 'prefix' ] . $and_label . $prefix_info_b [ 'prefix' ] . " " . $adult_a_last_name ;
// deal with casual greetings that do not include title.
$needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_lastname' ] = $adult_a_first_name . $and_label . $adult_b_first_name . " " . $adult_b_last_name ;
// Deal with formal greetings with first names. Such as Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
if ( ( $adult_a_gender == 'Male' ) and ( ! ( $prefix_info_b [ 'real_title' ])) and ( $adult_b_gender == 'Female' )){
$needed_greets [ 'formal_firstname' ] = $prefix_info_a [ 'prefix' ] . $and_label . $prefix_info_b [ 'prefix' ] . " " . $adult_a_first_name . " " . $adult_a_last_name . " " . $adult_a_suffix ;
} else if ( $adult_b_gender == 'Male' and ! ( $prefix_info_a [ 'real_title' ]) and $adult_a_gender == 'Female' ){
$needed_greets [ 'formal_firstname' ] = $prefix_info_b [ 'prefix' ] . $and_label . $prefix_info_a [ 'prefix' ] . " " . $adult_b_first_name . " " . $adult_b_last_name . " " . $adult_b_suffix ;
} else {
$needed_greets_a = $this -> get_formatted_greeting_for_single ( $adult_a_prefix , $adult_a_first_name , $adult_a_last_name , $adult_a_suffix , $adult_a_gender , $uses_spouses_name , $a_nick_name );
$needed_greets_b = $this -> get_formatted_greeting_for_single ( $adult_b_prefix , $adult_b_first_name , $adult_b_last_name , $adult_b_suffix , $adult_b_gender , $uses_spouses_name , $b_nick_name );
if ( $b_has_real_title ) {
$needed_greets [ 'formal_firstname' ] = $needed_greets_b [ 'formal_firstname' ] . $and_label . $needed_greets_a [ 'formal_firstname' ];
} else {
$needed_greets [ 'formal_firstname' ] = $needed_greets_a [ 'formal_firstname' ] . $and_label . $needed_greets_b [ 'formal_firstname' ];
} else {
// the couple has different last names.
$uses_spouses_name = false ;
$needed_greets_a = $this -> get_formatted_greeting_for_single ( $adult_a_prefix , $adult_a_first_name , $adult_a_last_name , $adult_a_suffix , $adult_a_gender , $uses_spouses_name , $a_nick_name );
$needed_greets_b = $this -> get_formatted_greeting_for_single ( $adult_b_prefix , $adult_b_first_name , $adult_b_last_name , $adult_b_suffix , $adult_b_gender , $uses_spouses_name , $b_nick_name );
$prefix_info_a = $this -> determine_title ( $adult_a_prefix , $adult_a_gender , $uses_spouses_name );
$prefix_info_b = $this -> determine_title ( $adult_b_prefix , $adult_b_gender , $uses_spouses_name );
if ( $prefix_info_b [ 'real_title' ]){
$needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_only' ] = $needed_greets_b [ 'formal_firstname' ] . $and_label . $needed_greets_a [ 'formal_firstname' ];
$needed_greets [ 'casual' ] = $needed_greets_b [ 'casual' ] . $and_label . $needed_greets_a [ 'casual' ];
$needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_lastname' ] = $adult_b_first_name . " " . $adult_b_last_name . $and_label . $adult_a_first_name . " " . $adult_a_last_name ;
$needed_greets [ 'casual_nickname_only' ] = $needed_greets_b [ 'casual_nickname_only' ] . $and_label . $needed_greets_a [ 'casual_nickname_only' ];
$needed_greets [ 'formal' ] = $needed_greets_b [ 'formal' ] . $and_label . $needed_greets_a [ 'formal' ];
$needed_greets [ 'formal_firstname' ] = $needed_greets_b [ 'formal_firstname' ] . $and_label . $needed_greets_a [ 'formal_firstname' ];
} else {
$needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_only' ] = $needed_greets_a [ 'casual_firstname_only' ] . $and_label . $needed_greets_b [ 'casual_firstname_only' ];
$needed_greets [ 'casual' ] = $needed_greets_a [ 'casual' ] . $and_label . $needed_greets_b [ 'casual' ];
$needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_lastname' ] = $adult_a_first_name . " " . $adult_a_last_name . $and_label . $adult_b_first_name . " " . $adult_b_last_name ;
$needed_greets [ 'casual_nickname_only' ] = $needed_greets_a [ 'casual_nickname_only' ] . $and_label . $needed_greets_b [ 'casual_nickname_only' ];
$needed_greets [ 'formal' ] = $needed_greets_a [ 'formal' ] . $and_label . $needed_greets_b [ 'formal' ];
$needed_greets [ 'formal_firstname' ] = $needed_greets_a [ 'formal_firstname' ] . $and_label . $needed_greets_b [ 'formal_firstname' ];
} // end else
// print_r( $needed_greets);
return $needed_greets ;
// format as a single person.
function get_formatted_greeting_for_single ( $adult_prefix , $adult_first_name , $adult_last_name , $adult_suffix , $adult_gender , $uses_spouses_name , $nick_name ){
$needed_greets = array ();
if ( ! ( $adult_last_name )){
if ( strlen ( $nick_name ) > 0 ){
$needed_greets [ 'casual' ] = $nick_name ;
$needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_only' ] = $adult_first_name ;
$needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_lastname' ] = $adult_first_name ;
$needed_greets [ 'casual_nickname_only' ] = $nick_name ;
} else {
$needed_greets [ 'casual' ] = $adult_first_name ;
$needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_only' ] = $adult_first_name ;
$needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_lastname' ] = $adult_first_name ;
$needed_greets [ 'casual_nickname_only' ] = $adult_first_name ;
$needed_greets [ 'formal' ] = $adult_first_name ;
$needed_greets [ 'formal_firstname' ] = $adult_first_name ;
return $needed_greets ;
$prefix_info = $this -> determine_title ( $adult_prefix , $adult_gender , $uses_spouses_name );
if ( $prefix_info [ 'real_title' ]){
if ( strlen ( $nick_name ) > 0 ){
$needed_greets [ 'casual' ] = $prefix_info [ 'prefix' ] . " " . $nick_name . " " . $adult_last_name . " " . $adult_suffix ;
$needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_only' ] = $adult_first_name ;
$needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_lastname' ] = $adult_first_name . " " . $adult_last_name ;
$needed_greets [ 'casual_nickname_only' ] = $nick_name ;
} else {
$needed_greets [ 'casual' ] = $prefix_info [ 'prefix' ] . " " . $adult_first_name . " " . $adult_last_name . " " . $adult_suffix ;
$needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_only' ] = $adult_first_name ;
$needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_lastname' ] = $adult_first_name . " " . $adult_last_name ;
$needed_greets [ 'casual_nickname_only' ] = $adult_first_name ;
} else {
if ( strlen ( $nick_name ) > 0 ){
$needed_greets [ 'casual' ] = $nick_name . " " . $adult_last_name . " " . $adult_suffix ;
$needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_only' ] = $adult_first_name ;
$needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_lastname' ] = $adult_first_name . " " . $adult_last_name ;
$needed_greets [ 'casual_nickname_only' ] = $nick_name ;
} else {
$needed_greets [ 'casual' ] = $adult_first_name . " " . $adult_last_name . " " . $adult_suffix ;
$needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_only' ] = $adult_first_name ;
$needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_lastname' ] = $adult_first_name . " " . $adult_last_name ;
$needed_greets [ 'casual_nickname_only' ] = $adult_first_name ;
$needed_greets [ 'formal' ] = $prefix_info [ 'prefix' ] . " " . $adult_last_name . " " . $adult_suffix ;
$needed_greets [ 'formal_firstname' ] = $prefix_info [ 'prefix' ] . " " . $adult_first_name . " " . $adult_last_name . " " . $adult_suffix ;
if ( strlen ( $nick_name ) > 0 ){
$needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_only' ] = $nick_name ;
} else {
$needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_only' ] = $adult_first_name ;
return $needed_greets ;
// Determine courtesy title for someone without a professional title.
// For example, if someone is a doctor, then return the stored prefix ie Dr.
// If someone doesn't have a title, return Mr or Ms
function determine_title ( $prefix , $gender , $uses_spouses_name ){
$prefix_info = array ();
$prefix_info [ 'real_title' ] = false ;
if ( ! ( $prefix ) ){
$prefix_info [ 'real_title' ] = false ;
if ( $gender == 'Female' and $uses_spouses_name ){
$prefix = " Mrs. " ;
} else if ( $gender == 'Female' ){
$prefix = " Ms. " ;
} else {
$prefix = " Mr. " ;
} else if ( $prefix == 'Mr' or $prefix == 'Mr.' or $prefix == 'Mrs' or $prefix == 'Mrs.' or $prefix == 'Ms' or $prefix == 'Ms.' or $prefix == 'Miss' ){
$prefix_info [ 'real_title' ] = false ;
if ( $gender == 'Female' and $uses_spouses_name ){
// This means the woman shares her spouse's last name and may be part of "Mr and Mrs"
// It is never correct to write Mr. and Ms. Smith or Mr. and Ms. John Smith
$prefix = " Mrs. " ;
} else {
$prefix_info [ 'real_title' ] = true ;
// Check if period is needed, due to typo in CiviCRM data.
if ( $prefix == 'Dr' or $prefix == 'Mr' or $prefix == 'Mrs' or $prefix == 'Ms' ){
$prefix = " $prefix . " ;
$prefix_info [ 'prefix' ] = $prefix ;
return $prefix_info ;
function process_households ( & $suffixes , & $prefixes , & $values , & $contactIDs , $greetings_token_names ){
$token_name_long = $greetings_token_names [ 'greetings.joint_casual' ];
$token_formal_short = $token_formal_long = $greetings_token_names [ 'greetings.joint_formal' ];
$token_formal_fn_short = $token_formal_fn_long = $greetings_token_names [ 'greetings.joint_formal_firstname' ];
//print "<hr><br>Inside process households<br>";
$i = 1 ;
$cid_list = " " ;
foreach ( $contactIDs as $cid ) {
$cid_list = $cid_list . $cid ;
if ( $i < count ( $contactIDs ) ){
$cid_list = $cid_list . ' ,' ;
$i = $i + 1 ;
if ( $i == 1 ){
return ;
$sqlstr = " SELECT r2.contact_id_a AS cid_a, r2.contact_id_b AS cid_b, c1.contact_type, c1.prefix_id, c1.first_name, c1.nick_name, c1.last_name, c1.suffix_id, c1.birth_date, name_a_b
FROM civicrm_relationship AS r1
civicrm_relationship AS r2 , civicrm_contact AS c1 , civicrm_relationship_type AS reltype
) ON r1 . contact_id_b = r2 . contact_id_b
AND r2 . contact_id_a = c1 . id
AND r2 . relationship_type_id = reltype . id
WHERE ( reltype . name_a_b = 'Head of Household for' or reltype . name_a_b = 'Household Member of' )
AND r1 . is_active = 1
AND r2 . is_active = 1
and ( r1 . contact_id_a in ( $cid_list ) or r1 . contact_id_b in ( $cid_list ) )
and c1 . is_deleted <> 1
GROUP BY r2 . contact_id_a , r2 . contact_id_b , c1 . prefix_id , c1 . first_name , c1 . last_name , reltype . name_a_b
ORDER BY r2 . contact_id_b , reltype . name_a_b , c1 . birth_date " ;
$sqlstr = " SELECT r2.contact_id_a AS cid_a, r2.contact_id_b AS cid_b, c1.contact_type, c1.prefix_id, c1.first_name, c1.last_name,
c1 . suffix_id , c1 . birth_date , r3 . contact_id_a , r3 . contact_id_b , reltype . name_a_b , reltype3 . name_a_b
civicrm_relationship AS r1 JOIN ( civicrm_relationship AS r2 , civicrm_contact AS c1
civicrm_relationship_type AS reltype , civicrm_relationship as r3 , civicrm_relationship_type AS reltype3 )
ON r1 . contact_id_b = r2 . contact_id_b AND r2 . contact_id_a = c1 . id AND r2 . relationship_type_id = reltype . id and
( r2 . contact_id_a = r3 . contact_id_a or r2 . contact_id_a = r3 . contact_id_b ) and r3 . relationship_type_id = reltype3 . id and
lower ( reltype3 . name_a_b ) LIKE '%spouse%'
WHERE ( reltype . name_a_b = 'Head of Household for' or reltype . name_a_b = 'Household Member of' ) AND r1 . is_active = 1
AND r2 . is_active = 1 and ( r1 . contact_id_a in ( $cid_list ) or r1 . contact_id_b in ( $cid_list ) ) GROUP BY r2 . contact_id_a ,
r2 . contact_id_b , c1 . prefix_id , c1 . first_name , c1 . last_name , reltype . name_a_b ORDER BY r2 . contact_id_b , reltype . name_a_b , c1 . birth_date " ;
// print "<br>sql: ".$sqlstr;
$contact_dao =& CRM_Core_DAO :: executeQuery ( $sqlstr );
$current_hh = array ();
$last_hh_id = " " ;
//Lets get greetings for everyone in a household.
while ( $contact_dao -> fetch ( ) ) {
$cur_contact_id = $contact_dao -> cid_a ;
$cur_hh_id = $contact_dao -> cid_b ;
$tmp_contactIDs = array ();
$tmp_contactIDs [] = $cur_contact_id ;
$this -> process_spouses ( $suffixes , $prefixes , $values , $tmp_contactIDs , $greetings_token_names , $cur_hh_id );
$contact_dao -> free ( );
* Get the greetings for people not in a household or spousal relationship .
function process_singles ( & $suffixes , & $prefixes , & $values , $greetings_token_names ){
// print_r($values);
$token_formal_long = $greetings_token_names [ 'greetings.joint_formal' ];
$token_formal_fn_long = $greetings_token_names [ 'greetings.joint_formal_firstname' ];
$token_joint_casual = $greetings_token_names [ 'greetings.joint_casual' ];
$token_joint_casual_firstname_only = $greetings_token_names [ 'greetings.joint_casual_firstname_only' ];
$token_joint_casual_firstname_lastname = $greetings_token_names [ 'greetings.joint_casual_firstname_lastname' ];
$token_joint_casual_nickname_only = $greetings_token_names [ 'greetings.joint_casual_nickname_only' ];
$token_solo_casual = $greetings_token_names [ 'greetings.solo_casual' ];
$token_solo_casual_nickname_only = $greetings_token_names [ 'greetings.solo_casual_nickname_only' ];
$cid_list = " " ;
foreach ( $values as $cur_contact ) {
// print "<br>cur contact:";
// print_r($cur_contact);
// print "<br>current joint_greeting: ".$cur_contact['contact.joint_greeting'];
if ( ! ( array_key_exists ( $token_joint_casual , $cur_contact ) ) ){
2016-08-26 10:27:05 -04:00
$cid = $cur_contact [ 'contact_id' ];
2016-08-26 09:29:35 -04:00
if ( strlen ( $cid_list ) > 0 && strlen ( $cid ) > 0 ){
$cid_list = $cid_list . " , " ;
$cid_list = " $cid_list $cid " ;
if ( strlen ( $cid_list ) > 0 ){
$tmp_pos = strlen ( $cid_list ) - 1 ;
$last = $cid_list [ $tmp_pos ] ;
} else {
$last = " " ;
if ( $last == " , " ){
$cid_list [ strlen ( $cid_list ) - 1 ] = " " ;
$cid_list = trim ( $cid_list );
//print "<br> cidlist length: ";
//print strlen($cid_list);
if ( strlen ( $cid_list ) > 0 ) {
$where_clause = " WHERE c.id in ( $cid_list ) " ;
$sqlstr = " (SELECT c.id, c.contact_type, c.prefix_id, c.first_name, c.nick_name, c.last_name, c.suffix_id, c.gender_id
FROM civicrm_contact AS c $where_clause and contact_type = 'Individual' )
( SELECT c1 . id , c1 . contact_type , c2 . prefix_id , c2 . first_name , c2 . nick_name , c2 . last_name , c2 . suffix_id , c2 . gender_id
FROM civicrm_contact c1 , civicrm_relationship r , civicrm_contact c2 , civicrm_relationship_type rt
where c1 . id in ( $cid_list ) and c1 . id = r . contact_id_b and r . contact_id_a = c2 . id and r . relationship_type_id = rt . id
and r . is_active = 1
and c1 . contact_type = 'Household' and rt . name_a_b = 'Household Member of'
group by c1 . id
having count ( c1 . id ) = 1 )
( SELECT c1 . id , c1 . contact_type , c2 . prefix_id , c2 . first_name , c2 . nick_name , c2 . last_name , c2 . suffix_id , c2 . gender_id
FROM civicrm_contact c1 , civicrm_relationship r , civicrm_contact c2 , civicrm_relationship_type rt
where c1 . id in ( $cid_list ) and c1 . id = r . contact_id_b and r . contact_id_a = c2 . id and r . relationship_type_id = rt . id
and r . is_active = 1
and c1 . contact_type = 'Household' and rt . name_a_b = 'Head of Household for'
group by c1 . id
having count ( c1 . id ) = 1 ) " ;
$contact_dao =& CRM_Core_DAO :: executeQuery ( $sqlstr );
//Lets get greetings for singles
while ( $contact_dao -> fetch ( ) ) {
$cur_cid = $contact_dao -> id ;
$cur_contact_type = $contact_dao -> contact_type ;
$prefix_id = $contact_dao -> prefix_id ;
2016-08-26 10:27:05 -04:00
if ( strlen ( $prefix_id ) > 0 ){
$prefix_label = $prefixes [ $prefix_id ];
} else {
$prefix_label = " " ;
2016-08-26 09:29:35 -04:00
$suffix_id = $contact_dao -> suffix_id ;
2016-08-26 10:27:05 -04:00
if ( strlen ( $suffix_id ) > 0 ){
$suffix_label = $suffixes [ $suffix_id ];
} else {
$suffix_label = " " ;
2016-08-26 09:29:35 -04:00
// deal with genders
$gender_id = $contact_dao -> gender_id ;
if ( $gender_id == 1 ){
$gender_label = " Female " ;
} else {
$gender_label = " Male " ;
$cur_prefix = $prefix_label ;
$cur_first_name = $contact_dao -> first_name ;
$cur_last_name = $contact_dao -> last_name ;
$cur_gender = $gender_label ;
$cur_nick_name = $contact_dao -> nick_name ;
//print "<br>contact type: $cur_contact_type";
if ( $cur_contact_type == 'Individual' ){
$uses_spouses_name = false ;
$needed_greets = $this -> get_formatted_greeting_for_single ( $cur_prefix , $cur_first_name , $cur_last_name , $suffix_label , $gender_label , $uses_spouses_name , $cur_nick_name );
} else {
//$needed_greets = array();
//print "<br>Contact type household, what to do? ".$cur_cid;
$uses_spouses_name = false ;
$needed_greets = $this -> get_formatted_greeting_for_single ( $cur_prefix , $cur_first_name , $cur_last_name , $suffix_label , $gender_label , $uses_spouses_name , $cur_nick_name );
$values [ $cur_cid ][ $token_joint_casual ] = $needed_greets [ 'casual' ];
$values [ $cur_cid ][ $token_formal_long ] = $needed_greets [ 'formal' ];
$values [ $cur_cid ][ $token_formal_fn_long ] = $needed_greets [ 'formal_firstname' ];
$values [ $cur_cid ][ $token_joint_casual_firstname_only ] = $needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_only' ];
$values [ $cur_cid ][ $token_joint_casual_firstname_lastname ] = $needed_greets [ 'casual_firstname_lastname' ];
$values [ $cur_cid ][ $token_joint_casual_nickname_only ] = $needed_greets [ 'casual_nickname_only' ];
$contact_dao -> free ( );
} else {
//print "<br>No contacts to process";
// handle solo greetings (including for married contacts)
//print "<br> cidlist length: ";
//print strlen($cid_list);
if ( strlen ( $cid_list ) > 0 ) {
$where_clause = " WHERE c.id in ( $cid_list ) " ;
$sql = " SELECT c.id, c.contact_type, c.prefix_id, c.first_name, c.nick_name, c.last_name, c.suffix_id, c.gender_id
FROM civicrm_contact AS c $where_clause and contact_type = 'Individual' " ;
$contact_dao =& CRM_Core_DAO :: executeQuery ( $sql );
//Lets get greetings for singles
while ( $contact_dao -> fetch ( ) ) {
$cur_cid = $contact_dao -> id ;
$cur_contact_type = $contact_dao -> contact_type ;
$prefix_id = $contact_dao -> prefix_id ;
2016-08-26 10:27:05 -04:00
if ( strlen ( $prefix_id ) > 0 ){
$prefix_label = $prefixes [ $prefix_id ];
} else {
$prefix_label = " " ;
2016-08-26 09:29:35 -04:00
$suffix_id = $contact_dao -> suffix_id ;
2016-08-26 10:27:05 -04:00
if ( strlen ( $suffix_id ) > 0 ){
$suffix_label = $suffixes [ $suffix_id ];
} else {
$suffix_label = " " ;
2016-08-26 09:29:35 -04:00
// deal with genders
$gender_id = $contact_dao -> gender_id ;
if ( $gender_id == 1 ){
$gender_label = " Female " ;
} else {
$gender_label = " Male " ;
$cur_prefix = $prefix_label ;
$cur_first_name = $contact_dao -> first_name ;
$cur_last_name = $contact_dao -> last_name ;
$cur_gender = $gender_label ;
$cur_nick_name = $contact_dao -> nick_name ;
//print "<br>contact type: $cur_contact_type";
if ( $cur_contact_type == 'Individual' ){
$uses_spouses_name = false ;
$needed_solo_greets = $this -> get_formatted_greeting_for_single ( $cur_prefix , $cur_first_name , $cur_last_name , $suffix_label , $gender_label , $uses_spouses_name , $cur_nick_name );
$values [ $cur_cid ][ $token_solo_casual ] = $needed_solo_greets [ 'casual' ];
$values [ $cur_cid ][ $token_solo_casual_nickname_only ] = $needed_solo_greets [ 'casual_nickname_only' ];
* Get the greetings for organizations
function process_organizations ( & $suffixes , & $prefixes , & $values , $greetings_token_names ){
// print_r( $greetings_token_names );
$token_name_long = $greetings_token_names [ 'greetings.joint_casual' ];
// $token_formal_short = $token_formal_long = $greetings_token_names['greetings.joint_formal'];
// $token_formal_fn_short = $token_formal_fn_long = $greetings_token_names['greetings.joint_formal_firstname'];
// $token_firstname_only_short = $token_name_long = $greetings_token_names['greetings.joint_casual_firstname_only'];
//print "<br>first name only: ".$token_firstname_only_short;
$cid_list = " " ;
foreach ( $values as $cur_contact ) {
// print "<br>current joint_greeting: ".$cur_contact['contact.joint_greeting'];
if ( ! ( array_key_exists ( $token_name_long , $cur_contact ) ) ){
$cid = $cur_contact [ 'contact_id' ];
if ( strlen ( $cid_list ) > 0 && strlen ( $cid ) > 0 ){
$cid_list = " $cid_list , " ;
$cid_list = " $cid_list $cid " ;
if ( strlen ( $cid_list ) > 0 ){
$last = $cid_list [ strlen ( $cid_list ) - 1 ] ;
} else {
$last = " " ;
if ( $last == " , " ){
$cid_list [ strlen ( $cid_list ) - 1 ] = " " ;
// print "<br><br>cidlist: ".$cid_list;
$cid_list = trim ( $cid_list ) ;
if ( strlen ( $cid_list ) > 0 ) {
$where_clause = " WHERE c.id in ( $cid_list ) " ;
$sqlstr = " SELECT c.id, c.contact_type, c.display_name as display_name
FROM civicrm_contact AS c $where_clause and c . contact_type = 'Organization' " ;
//print "<br>sql: ".$sqlstr;
$contact_dao =& CRM_Core_DAO :: executeQuery ( $sqlstr );
while ( $contact_dao -> fetch ( ) ) {
$cur_cid = $contact_dao -> id ;
$cur_contact_type = $contact_dao -> contact_type ;
$cur_display_name = $contact_dao -> display_name ;
foreach ( $greetings_token_names as $cur_token_name ){
$values [ $cur_cid ][ $cur_token_name ] = $cur_display_name ;
// $values[$cur_cid][$token_name_long] = $cur_display_name;
// $values[$cur_cid][$token_formal_short] = $values[$cur_cid][$token_formal_long] = $cur_display_name;
// $values[$cur_cid][$token_formal_fn_short] = $values[$cur_cid][$token_formal_fn_long] = $cur_display_name;
// $values[$cur_cid][$token_firstname_only_short] = $values[$cur_cid][$token_firstname_only_short] = $cur_display_name;
$contact_dao -> free ( );
function get_all_prefixes (){
$sqlstr = " SELECT ov.label, ov.value FROM civicrm_option_group og join civicrm_option_value ov
on og . id = ov . option_group_id
where og . name = 'individual_prefix' " ;
$prefix_dao =& CRM_Core_DAO :: executeQuery ( $sqlstr );
$prefixes = array ();
while ( $prefix_dao -> fetch ( ) ) {
$curprefix_id = $prefix_dao -> value ;
$curprefix_label = $prefix_dao -> label ;
$prefixes [ $curprefix_id ] = $curprefix_label ;
$prefix_dao -> free ( );
return $prefixes ;
function get_all_suffixes (){
$sqlstr = " SELECT ov.label, ov.value FROM civicrm_option_group og join civicrm_option_value ov
on og . id = ov . option_group_id
where og . name = 'individual_suffix' " ;
$suffix_dao =& CRM_Core_DAO :: executeQuery ( $sqlstr );
$suffixes = array ();
while ( $suffix_dao -> fetch ( ) ) {
$cursuffix_id = $suffix_dao -> value ;
$cursuffix_label = $suffix_dao -> label ;
$suffixes [ $cursuffix_id ] = $cursuffix_label ;
$suffix_dao -> free ( );
return $suffixes ;